Its name derives from Greek and literally means "cone plant", in reference to the shape it takes. These are plants that in nature grow among stones in high mountain areas and tend to blend into the ground (they make part of the so-called "living stones"), which is why it is believed that there are dozens of other species still unknown! These small perennials do not exceed a few centimeters in height, but tend to develop horizontally creating wonderful succulent green carpets, where the small swollen leaves, grouped in pairs, almost take the shape of graceful hearts often streaked or dotted. To protect themselves from the sun, these plants adapt their epidermis with various stratagems: there are species covered with a light hair, others with a waxy cover, others are so shiny that are able to reflect the sun's rays. This succulent is able to brighten up your environments with their abundant and lively winter blooms, which are diurnal in some species, while in others they abundantly perfume only at night. Conophytum plants are very resistant to various environmental conditions, thus they are perfect to give your gardens a really beautiful look: let yourself be conquered by the contrast between the wide green expanses and the lively flowers it has!