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Notocactus (Cactus)

Shop Now Notocactus agnetae
Starting from 1.80€
Shop Now Notocactus buiningii
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Notocactus graessneri
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Notocactus haselbergii
Starting from 2.10€
Shop Now Notocactus magnificus
Starting from 1.50€
Shop Now Notocactus mammulosus
Starting from 6.00€
Shop Now Notocactus ottonis
Starting from 2.80€
Shop Now Notocactus schlosseri
Starting from 2.10€
Shop Now Notocactus scopa
Starting from 1.50€
Shop Now Notocactus succineus
Starting from 2.00€
Shop Now Notocactus warasii
Starting from 2.40€
Varieties currently unavailable
Shop Now Notocactus blaauwianus
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Notocactus concinnus
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Notocactus elegans
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Notocactus erinaceus
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Notocactus ferrugineus
Starting from 14.00€
Shop Now Notocactus fuscus
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Notocactus herteri
Starting from 6.40€
Shop Now Notocactus horstii
Starting from 10.00€
Shop Now Notocactus laetivirens
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Notocactus mix
Starting from 7.50€
Shop Now Notocactus muricatus
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Notocactus new hybrid
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Notocactus rutilans
Starting from 3.20€
Shop Now Notocactus sulphureus
Starting from 6.00€

Its name comes from the Greek word "nòtos", meaning "southern", referring to the fact, that these cacti come from South America, unlike most cacti, which are often found in the central areas. From its globular stems, that can also be elongated, as the plant grows, its characteristic spines of different colors and disposition emerge, which generally are quite long. These plants are extremely long-lived and rather slow-growing, but, if you wait a little bit, they will give you spectacular and unexpectedly large lively summer blooms, that, untypically for cacti, will continue to brighten and color your surroundings for a whole week!

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