It was named in honor of an important botanist, it is not easy to guess, that this plant belongs to the Cactaceae family as, due to its shrubby habit and inflorescences, it looks much more like some types of wild roses, hence the common name of "rose cactus". We can define it as a sort of connecting ring: on one hand, it has thin and woody stems, often climbing and with leaves similar to those of rose plants; on the other hand, tufts of sturdy thorns emerge along the stem like classic cacti have. This particular aspect makes it very popular for decorating both indoor and outdoor environments, giving a touch of color to your spaces with its flashy fragrant flowers, with a rose-like appearance. Here are some tips for its cultivation: It requires a lot of brightness during all seasons and rather airy places. It is preferable to keep it at mild temperatures and never below 12 °C, in order to avoid it losing the leaves. Otherwise the plant will enter dormancy and lose its leaves. Water regularly but moderately in spring-summer, always making sure that the soil is always dry between one watering and another one. During the winter period, reduce watering to once every two months, avoiding stagnation of water. A well-draining soil is an optimal solution, even better if further enriched with inert materials such as pumice or lapilli. They do not need frequent fertilization, it is sufficient to dilute the fertilizer with watering once a year.