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Varieties currently unavailable
Shop Now Boswellia bullata
Starting from 70.00€
Shop Now Boswellia elongata
Starting from 98.00€
Shop Now Boswellia mexicana
Starting from 65.00€
Shop Now Boswellia neglecta
Starting from 24.00€
Shop Now Boswellia sacra
Starting from 60.00€
Shop Now Boswellia socotrana
Starting from 37.50€

The genus Boswellia is a genus of plants including many species of a modest size, up to a maximum height of 8 m. These woody plants are well known as they are used for the production of incense, moreover the extraction of their sap and the essential oils produced in Ayurvedic medicine, that are believed to have beneficial effects and are used for treatments against diabetes, fever, cardiovascular diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. This genus is particularly known for its Boswellia sacra, as it is thought to be the incense brought by the Three Kings to baby Jesus, which is why it is often used in religious rituals. Because of its pretty small size and low resistance to cold it is advisable to cultivate it indoors, where, with an adequate pruning, you can obtain a very beautiful bonsai. Here are some tips for its care and cultivation: Boswellia requires a lot of light all year round, but still while avoiding direct sun rays. It is preferable to keep it at mild temperatures and never below 12 °C, for this reason it is recommended to shelter it during the winter period. Water abundantly every 10 days during the growing season. Completely stop watering during the resting period of the plant. We recommend substrate consisting of soil, gravel and sand in equal proportions as an optimal solution. This kind of plants do not need frequent fertilization, it is sufficient to dilute a specific fertilizer with watering once a year.