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Sedum (Succulents)

Shop Now Sedum adolphii
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum burrito
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Sedum clavatum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum commixtum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum hernandezii
Starting from 2.10€
Shop Now Sedum hintonii
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Sedum humifusum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum lucidum
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Sedum makinoi
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Sedum morganianum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum multiceps
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum nussbaumerianum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum pachyphyllum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum palmeri
Starting from 18.00€
Shop Now Sedum rubrotinctum
Starting from 2.40€
Shop Now Sedum suaveolens
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Sedum telephium
Starting from 12.00€
Varieties currently unavailable
Shop Now Sedum 'Chocolate Ball'
Starting from 10.00€
Shop Now Sedum 'Joyce Tulloch'
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Sedum 'Red canyon'
Starting from 10.00€
Shop Now Sedum acre
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Sedum album
Starting from 5.00€
Shop Now Sedum allantoides
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum atlantis
Starting from 39.60€
Shop Now Sedum craigii
Starting from 8.00€
Shop Now Sedum cyaneum
Starting from 4.00€
Shop Now Sedum dasyphyllum
Starting from 10.00€
Shop Now Sedum diffusum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum furfuraceum
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum lineare
Starting from 7.20€
Shop Now Sedum miserum
Starting from 3.20€
Shop Now Sedum nevii
Starting from 5.00€
Shop Now Sedum oreganum
Starting from 8.00€
Shop Now Sedum reflexum
Starting from 4.80€
Shop Now Sedum sieboldii
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum spathulifolium
Starting from 6.00€
Shop Now Sedum spurium
Starting from 5.00€
Shop Now Sedum sthali
Starting from 3.00€
Shop Now Sedum versadense
Starting from 4.00€

Its name means "annual plant", meaning that it is wide spread all over the world, being, in fact, a genus that includes several hundred species. However, this succulent can be considered "annual" also in the sense of its adaptability: it is extremely resistant, perfect for any type of soil (it grows spontaneously even between the cracks in the walls), any temperature (there are species that resist temperatures even below zero degrees), ideal for home decorating (it is of varied shapes and colors, often cascading and of different shades from bright green to purplish-red). Sometimes defined as a "neglected balcony plant": this term means that it does not need any special care, and it survives quite well even without water for prolonged periods, thanks to its fleshy leaves that act as a water reserve! It is perfect for decorating interiors, but also balconies and gardens where other plants would not resist, enriching your spaces with the most varied and lively colors!