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Shop Now Dorstenia foetida
Starting from 10.00€
Varieties currently unavailable
Shop Now Dorstenia barnimiana
Starting from 54.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia crispa
Starting from 28.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia cuspidata
Starting from 60.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia ellenbeckiana
Starting from 14.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia gigas
Starting from 20.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia hildebrandtii
Starting from 14.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia horwoodii
Starting from 14.40€
Shop Now Dorstenia lancifolia
Starting from 18.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia lavrani
Starting from 40.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia sp.
Starting from 22.00€
Shop Now Dorstenia zanzibarica
Starting from 12.00€

Its name was chosen in honor of the German botanist Theodor Dorsten. It includes a very large number of species, but only those with caudex make part of the succulents: from the woody stem, characterized by the most disparate shapes and which acts as a water reservoir, multiple branches sprout, on the top of which deciduous, long and lanceolate leaves grow, forming some sort of a crown. Just inside the caudex there is a toxic whitish latex, which the plant uses as a form of defense against animal attacks. The characteristic that strongly distinguishes this genus and makes it so appreciated by green collectors is undoubtedly its unusual inflorescence: a very showy disc-shaped structure is generated, which is actually formed by many small green flowers, with microscopic fleshy petals like those of a daisy! Perhaps not many know that, in the areas of its origin, this plant is exploited for multiple purposes: its herbal preparation is used as an antidote, the powder of the leaves is mixed with tobacco to improve the taste of cigarettes, and some tubers are used even for food purposes!

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