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Shop Now Discocactus buenekeri
Starting from 14.00€
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Shop Now Discocactus horstii
Starting from 25.00€

This genus native to South America gets its name from Pfeiffer in 1837. The name comes from the Greek diskos (disco) and refers to its tendentially crushed form. Discocactus includes numerous cactus species that are characterized by the globe shape and flattened at the apex. Some of these are: Discocactus cangaensis; Discocactus crystallophilus ; Discocactus griseus; Discocactus latispinus; Discocactus mamillosus; Discocactus buenekeri; Discocactus horstii; Discocactus placentiformis and many more. Usually they have a globose stem of green color , greyish green that can also take purple hues depending on exposure to the sun, from the growth and also varies from one species to another. The stem is equipped with numerous vertical ribs, protruding and well marked tubercles ( depending on the species) and above each tubercle grow some white and fluffy areoles. Its spines come out from these areoles and are long , curved towards the stem, in some greyish species, in others yellowish; in some species they are numerous and thin while in others they are robust and sparse. This genus gives wonderful white flowers, with the shape similar to a daisy that bloom at the apex of the plant. Discocactus is quite resistant to heat, only during the hottest summer hours it needs to be protected, while in general it loves to stay under direct sunlight.

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