A succulent with a strongly indicative name: they are plants "always alive" as they resist and, indeed, grow well even if subjected to the most extreme conditions, even at temperatures below zero degrees! This strong adaptability has allowed them to expand spontaneously, starting from the areas with a more tropical climate, up to those with temperate climates or even mountain areas, where it can be found among rocks. It has species with very different stems and leaves, all united by the characteristic rosette shape, in which they are grouped: sometimes of a green color, sometimes they are very dark, still others are pink-reddish or faded on the tips. They are so decorative that look like a flower. Furthermore, during the flowering period, these plants show off very particular star-shaped flowers, which vary from delicate whitish shades, up to dark and very showy ones: you will not find other plants that are so decorative and, at the same time, resistant!