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This tropical plant, also commonly known by its previous name Glossinia, takes its current name in honor of the university professor of botany Wilhelm Sinning. The plant has very different characteristics depending on the species: some of them have herbaceous stems, while others have a quite massive caudex from which large and thick hairy leaves emerge. However, all Sinningia species have in common the majesty of their inflorescences, consisting of large bell-shaped flowers, with velvety and thick petals, ranging from white to purple, to blue and pink. They are perfectly suited to bright closed and sheltered places, therefore they are perfect to enrich your homes and offices with liveliness and good mood! Here are some easy tips for its care and cultivation: It requires a lot of light during all seasons, however, avoid direct sunlight. Its natural habitat is in tropical climates, thus it does not withstand temperatures below 10 °C, on the other hand, it does not like too dry heat. It is therefore advisable to keep it away from cold and intense sun. During the warm seasons water it regularly but moderately to keep the soil moist. In winter it is advisable to completely suspend watering, as the plant enters vegetative rest. A substrate composed of soil combined with fine sand is an optimal solution, as long as it is well draining and avoids rotting. They do not need frequent fertilization, it is sufficient to dilute the fertilizer with watering once a year.

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