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Shop Now Mitrophyllum grande
Starting from 35.00€

The genus Mitrophyllum belongs to the family of Aizoaceae which are native to South Africa. The climate of its natural habitat is temperate and subtropical with two seasons: dry (summer) in the months from April to October and that of rains (winter), from November to March. These succulents have adapted to their environment for survival. They generally have very fleshy leaves arranged in pairs (similar to Conophytum) above the tuberous root and when these leaves grow, It blooms another pair of new leaves while the old flat turns into a legnified cover for the new leaves protecting them from the weather. The name of the genus comes from the Greek 'mitro' which means hat, headdress and 'phyllum' which means leaves; this name is connected to the shape of its leaves like a hair. In this genus are included several species among which the best known: Mitrophyllum abbreviatum, Mitrophyllum dissitum and Mitrophyllum grande. The flowering of these succulents usually takes place in summer. The flowers are small in size with a star shape and bloom on stems that protrude from the base of the plant; the petals can present different colors but the most common ones are yellow and white. In their natural habitat these succulents are also accustomed to drought periods, their leaves are very fleshy because they store water to be able to use during these dry periods. The plants have adapted to climatic conditions for the survival of the species.

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