This family of succulents native to Mexico is very popular for the ornamental appearance and the coloring of the leaves. Among its varieties there is C. repens, elegans, fragrans, navicularis. It is a family of hanging/ creeping and suitable for the decoration of any type of environment thanks to the delicate shapes and bright colors. The ideal climate for these succulents is warm and humid, with plenty of light but do not like to be placed under the direct rays of the sun especially in the hottest hours of the day. During the winter they do not withstand cold and low temperatures, it is advisable to place them inside. They have green stems creeping from which emerge green branches covered by numerous fleshy leaves. The latter have a generally oval shape ending with a tip, in some varieties it is more rounded and in others more elongated. The colors vary from intense green to light green, with purple shades or light green streaks that give the plant a truly captivating look. The Callisia bloom during the summer-autumn and the green branches are covered with small flowers that in most species are white and in some even pink.