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Shop Now Adenium arabicum
Starting from 12.00€
Shop Now Adenium obesum
Starting from 5.00€
Varieties currently unavailable
Shop Now Adenium somalense
Starting from 24.00€
Shop Now Adenium boehmianum
Starting from 30.00€
Shop Now Adenium dhofarense
Starting from 36.00€
Shop Now Adenium socotranum
Starting from 30.00€

The name of the genus comes from Aden, which is the place in the Gulf Region of Yemen where it was discovered. It is an evergreen caudiciform species with the base of the trunk acting as a reservoir, which allows it to store water during rainy seasons and then use it during dry seasons. These rare species, are highly sought after by green collectors. They hardly bloom in our climatic and environmental conditions, however the unusual and ornamental forms of its body will be able to bring an exotic and unique touch to your homes! The best location for Adenium is directly on the ground, but since it can be damaged by temperatures below 10°C, if you don't live in a really mild climate region, the ideal solution is to cultivate it in a container. Choose a pot wide and deep enough to contain the roots; repot your Adenium every two years to keep it strong and healthy. Use a well-draining cactus soil mix, adding some organic matter, and remember not to compact it excessively. Keep your plant outdoor during summer and repair it inside in winter; expose it to sunlight anyway, putting it in a bright place or next to a window. Since it is a succulent plant, it doesn't need much water: water it just as soon as the stem is getting wilted (no more than two times during winter, if possible not at all when leaves are fallen).