Very fast growing cactus, which is why it is particularly appreciated as well as for its extraordinary inflorescences. The globular stem doesn’t reach considerable dimensions, but it is easily recognizable due to its well defined vertical ribs. In recent times some studies would like to make Wigginsia species to be considered a subspecies of the genera Parodia,however, according to other researchers there are peculiar characteristics worthy of giving life to a genus in its own right, fist of all the presence of radial thorns unusually robust, quite short and sparse, which extend towards the stem in their whitish tones or, in exceptional case, brown-reddish. Another peculiarity that makes Wigginsia ideal to adorn your environments is the marvelous contrast between the green of its globular body and the bright yellow of its flowers , the real point of strength of this plant. Indeed Wigginsia typically presents big inflorescences of an extremely bright yellow, so glossy to look like the petals are made out of silk: it wouldn’t certainly go unnoticed in your houses! That’s not all: this particular cactus will amaze you even for its incredible resistance, both to high and low temperatures (it’s suggested to shelter it in case of temperatures below 0°C), and even to extreme drought conditions (it can survive well without any watering throughout the whole winter)! Let yourself be amazed by the spectacle that this cactus will give you without the need for special care, its flowers will bring a breath of vivacity to environments with the most disparate styles!